The Westminster Catechism asks this question:
‘What is the chief
end of man?’
Answer: ‘Man’s
chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever.’
The word ‘glory’
in Greek is doxa, from where we get our word ‘doxology’: the ‘Glory to the
Father’ said after psalms are chanted or sung.
‘Glory’ in the OT
was a big concept and the rabbis had a special word to describe it: Shekinah.
The Shekinah of
God was His manifest presence in a located place.
When God dwelt
amongst his people for a protracted period of time, it was said that his glory,
his Shekinah, was amongst his people.
His Shekinah
inhabited the Temple; crucially when His presence left the Temple this coincided
with Israel’s apostasy and their Exile.
It was said that
when Moses came down the Mountain after receiving the 10 commandments from God,
his face shone with glory, the glory of having been in the presence of a holy
The glory shining
in his face was so bright he had to put a veil over his face when he talked
with the people; otherwise they could not bear to look at it.
Paul, in our first
reading, is defending his message against the so-called ‘super apostles’, who
promised glory without discipleship/suffering.
Disciples are
willing to suffer before they see glory – Paul never hid this fact.
Paul speaks then of the so called veiling of his gospel - the 'the god of this world' veils the gospel, but how does this exactly work?
Which are the things which veil the Good News today?
What things could
we be putting in the way, things that act like veils?
Busy-ness, apathy,
material comfort, distance from God: perhaps all these and more can act like
veils today.
Are there things
we do in church (or don’t do) which veil the message?
This is an
important question: are we hiding Christ somehow?
Lent is a good
time to consider, individually and corporately, what is veiling our walk with
It’s sometimes
said of those who walk very closely with Christ that you can see something of
God in their faces…
I wonder if you
can think of anyone…
It’ll be someone
who has walked daily with God; someone whose expression is peaceful but perhaps
who’s suffered and come through; someone whose obedience and joy have been so
much a part of their lives that their very face reflects God’s glory.
Our gospel is about Christ revealed in glory on the Mount of Transfiguration.
He has taken his
closest three friends along, and it says he took them up the mountain to pray.
Can you imagine
going up a mountain with Jesus to share a time of prayer with him?
While he was
praying the appearance of his face changed and suddenly his clothes became
dazzling white.
Now strange things
can happen at the top of mountains.
There are clouds
swishing around up there, the weather might be more violent; the atmosphere
might be a bit rarified, you might be worn out from the climb…
All that was part of the strange experience Peter, James and John had.
But the mountain top
is also a metaphor for a spiritual experience.
We say ‘I had a
mountain top experience.’
We are usually
elated during a mountain top experience; everything seems real and
It was as if Jesus
was revealed for a few moments in all his divinity.
Yes, he was still
the man they knew and talked with but now they saw ‘beyond the veil’ as it
The veil of this
life was temporarily parted to reveal a deeper reality.
This reality is
open to us and sometimes we sense it closely – if we’ve lost someone we love,
or if God’s presence seems particularly real in a particular place.
Jesus is suddenly
seen beyond the veil and at God’s
right hand.
On one side of him
stands Moses, law giver: on the other Elijah, representing all the prophets.
The Law and the
What are they
doing there with Jesus?
They’re speaking
of his departure – his death, which, the text says ‘He was about to
Jesus had been
speaking about his death and resurrection - he’s trying to get through to his disciples, but, understandably they
are not able yet to equate the Messiah with suffering.
They too do not
understand that the Messiah had to suffer before entering his glory.
But the
glory they see before them on the mountain top is too much for Peter, James and
John; Peter gets incoherent.
Here’s Jesus in
all his glory…and the disciples are bamboozled by it…
Peter gabbles some
nonsense about putting up shelters, but you cannot box
spiritual experience in the hope of living off it for ever.
Because soon you get right back to 'normality'.
Suffering (daily life, the daily grind) and
How do we suffer for our faith?
Certainly not like
our persecuted brothers and sisters, but to put Christ first in a world which
largely ignores him is tough.
To be brave enough
to speak of our involvement in church can be tough.
Sharing your faith is not easy, but if we think of it as shining out automatically, it might help.
It is a natural outpouring of the heart.
We are veiled, if
you like – it is Christ who shines out.
As we approach Lent
and think about Jesus' Transfiguration today, we pray that our message may be
unveiled and that we may reflect his glory to the world in which we live and
the community we serve.